These No-Bake Lemon Curd Tarts are so easy to make and you don't even have to turn on your oven. The crumbly biscuit tart shells are paired perfectly with the creamy, tangy lemon curd.


300 grams biscuits, I prefer Anzac
120 grams butter
9 Tbs lemon curd (check out my DIY recipe!)
fresh cherries or berries, to serve (optional)


1. Melt the butter in a sauce pan over low heat. Once melted, remove from heat and let it cool. 
2. Blitz the biscuits in a processor until it crumbled. If you don't have a food processor, place them in a bag and crumble them with a rolling pin.
3. While blitzing, gradually add the butter until combined well or mix together in a large mixing bowl.
4. Form the tart shells by using tart tins or a muffin tray and pressing in the mixture about 1cm thick. Refrigerate for an hour.
5. Assemble the tarts by scooping the lemon curd on top of the tart shells. Top with fresh berries.

No-Bake Lemon Curd Tarts

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